Over the last 22 years, I have had many women say to me, “I am not a jewelry person,” yet, here they are in a jewelry store wearing jewelry! There is a misconception that being a “jewelry person” means that one wears jewelry on any available surface. Bracelets stacked up the arms, rings on every finger, ears encrusted with jewels, and necks drowning in pendants! And, the blingier, the better! Or, the more expensive, the better! These mysterious “jewelry people” have troves of jewelry at home just waiting for its turn to be worn and seem to have an insatiable appetite for MORE!

While those jewelry rock stars do exist, being a jewelry person can take on a variety of appearances. It’s the woman who only wears petite and modest jewelry, one to two pieces top! It’s the woman who loves the jewelry her partner gets her but feels uncomfortable buying it for herself. It’s the woman who admires jewelry but hasn’t yet bought herself that one nice piece. It’s the woman who has quite a few pieces but only wears the same pieces daily. It’s also the woman who only wears costume jewelry! Quite simply, a jewelry person is someone who likes jewelry, and it is not dependent on how much she wears, how little she wears, or the cost of said jewelry!
I often wonder when women nervously tell me that they are not jewelry people, if they feel shame for liking jewelry. I wonder if the story they tell themselves is that the only way to deserve jewelry is by having someone else decide you are worthy, and then, gifting it to you. I wonder if they don’t want to admit they are a jewelry person only to be disappointed when they feel they can’t act on it. And, so they tell me with hopes to convince themselves that they are not jewelry people.
My heart in opening Angela Cisneros Jewelry Concierge is about creating a space where we can meet one-on-one in a place you can be yourself. No matter what kind of jewelry person you are I want to help you connect, express, and celebrate yourself with jewelry! As Elizabeth Taylor said, “Jewelry has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.”